File Number: OPAZ-2-2022
Owner: 2381423 ONTARIO INC C/O Manorwood Homes Inc.
Applicant: Baker Planning Group C/O Caroline Baker
Purpose and Effect:
The application adds a special policy to the Official Plan’s Historic Core District designation for this property to permit a standalone residential-only apartment building with a maximum height of 5 storeys.
Similarly, the application also rezones the property to facilitate the proposed five storey apartment building by changing the current zoning from C3 (Highway Commercial) and R1-7 (Residential Low Density- Special Zone) to R3-17 (Residential High Density – Special Zone). The special zone provisions for the R3-17 zone address front and exterior yard setbacks, landscaped open space, building height, outdoor and balcony amenity space for the units, and parking spaces.
The Zoning By-law Amendment will not come into force until the Official Plan amendment by-law is approved by the County of Huron which occurs after its adoption by the Municipality of South Huron, in accordance with Section 43(21) of the Planning Act.
The application was deemed complete on August 25, 2022.
Meeting date: October 3rd, 2022 at 5pm
Status: Appealed. More information can be found on the OLT website.