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March 17, 2025 Council Meeting Highlights

At its Regular Meeting on March 17, 2025, South Huron Council:

·         Greeted David Wagner, Huron County Community Emergency Management Coordinator

·         Received staff reports on topics including:

o   2024 Annual Building Financial Report

o   Assembly & Occupancy Update

§  Staff will proceed to complete a structural review, structural analysis and the requirements for assembly & occupancy work at both the Stephen Arena and the South Huron Recreation Centre in the amount of $37,000, excluding HST

o   Exeter Dog Park

o   Dashwood Community Centre Playground RFP

§  Awarded the Request for proposal received from Blue Imp Co. to the upset limit of $79,999.99, excluding HST

o   Review and update South Huron Burn Bylaw

o   2024 Annual Report for the South Huron Wastewater Collection System and Exeter Wastewater Treatment Facility

o   Tender results for half-ton, four-wheel drive, crew cab pickup truck

§  Accepted the tender from the lowest compliant bidder Larry Hudson Chevrolet Buick GMC and authorized award of a contract for a Half Ton, Four-Wheel Drive, Crew Cab Pickup Truck in the amount of $59,059.74, including HST

o   Tender Results for Exeter Sewage Lagoon Sand Filter Rehabilitation

§  Accepted the tender from the low bidder Birnam Excavating Ltd. and authorized award of a contract for the Exeter Sewage Lagoon Sand Filter Rehabilitation in the amount of $1,025,397.66, including HST

o   Tender results for repairs to Morrison Dam Bridge Structure #3003

§  Accepted the tender received from the low bidder KB Civil Constructors Inc. for repairs to the Morrison Dam bridge structure #3003 in the amount of $727,027.38, excluding HST. Please note: the final construction schedule will be shared publicly when it is known in a few weeks. Residents and businesses in the affected construction area will receive direct communication about this project.

o   Tender results for repairs and extension to B-Line Structure #1096

§  Accepted the tender received from the low bidder Vandenberk Construction Inc. for the repairs and extension to B-Line Structure #1096 in the amount of $163,985.00, excluding HST. Please note: the final construction schedule will be shared publicly when it is known in a few weeks. Residents and businesses in the affected construction area will receive direct communication about this project.

o   Huron Shores Area Transit Update

·         Council passed the following by-laws:

o   By-Law #22-2025, Authorizing the Use of Telephone and Internet Voting as an Alternative Voting Method for Municipal Elections

o   By-Law #23-2025, appointing a Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Alternate(s)

For a full review of the agendas, including items not listed here such as those under Communications, please see the video recording of these meetings on Youtube or read the official meeting minutes, which will be included in the next regular Council meeting agenda.

Contact Us

The Municipality of South Huron
322 Main Street South, P.O. Box 759
Exeter, ON N0M 1S6
Phone: 519-235-0310

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