Commonly Requested By-Laws
The Municipality of South Huron strives to make our community safe, healthy and enjoyable for everyone. By-laws are created as a way to address issues and concerns of the community. They are created to protect the environment, public health, safety and to maintain a pleasant community for everyone.
Commonly Requested By-Laws
For convenience, many of the most frequently used bylaws have been consolidated. In a consolidated bylaw, the original bylaw (or "parent" bylaw) is updated to include all of the amendments to that bylaw. Offical versions of all by-laws are available through the Clerk's department.
We are constantly working to provide our by-laws in a convenient, accessible format online. If you require a by-law not found under our commonly requested by-laws please contact the municipal office. For information in alternative formats, please contact the Municipal Office at 519-235-0310.
We are constantly working to provide our by-laws in a convenient, accessible format online. If you require a by-law not found under our commonly requested by-laws please contact the municipal office.
Contact Us
The Municipality of South Huron
322 Main Street South, P.O. Box 759
Exeter, ON N0M 1S6
Phone: 519-235-0310
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