Official Plan
South Huron's Official Plan describes the goals, objectives, and policies for long and short-term development within its communities. It deals with issues such as what services (i.e., sewers, watermains, and roads) will be needed, and where new housing, commercial areas, hospitals, and other land uses will be located.
The South Huron Official Plan came into effect on February 26, 2014.
For a copy (PDF format) of the current Official Plan maps, schedules and appendices, please contact the Planning Department.
Official Plan Review Underway
Our Official Plan is currently in the process of being updated! See our Official Plan Review page for details on this project, including opportunities for public consultation, the draft plan, maps and more.
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The Municipality of South Huron
322 Main Street South, P.O. Box 759
Exeter, ON N0M 1S6
Phone: 519-235-0310
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