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Development Charges

The Municipality of South Huron passed a municipal-wide Development Charges By-Law which came into effect on March 17, 2020. 

Schedule of Development Charges

The schedule (Schedule “B” to Development Charges By-Law) of development charges imposed by the by-law is outlined in the table below.          . 

2025 Rates

2025 Development Charges Bylaw 68-2020 Schedule B

Indexing - Effective January 1, 2025 (3.3%)
Per bylaw 17-2020 and 68-2020 Section 5 Indexing - Development charges imposed pursuant to this By-law shall be adjusted annually on January 1, without amendment to this By-law, in accordance with the third quarter of the prescribed index in the Act.
The Act - Regulation 82/98 indicates that the prescribed index is "The Statistics Canada Non-residential Building Construction Price Index for Ottawa-Gatineau or for Toronto, as appropriate, is prescribed for the purposes of paragraph 10 of subsection 5(1) of the Act.

Indexing has been applied in accordance with the process stated above, and then the charges have been rounded to the nearest dollar.

NOTE - Effective Jan 1 of every year, the internal document DC Payments Bldg Fees Template should be updated by Finance staff
to reflect the updated charges in the schedule above.

*Rates are not applicable to exemptions as noted in Sections 3.5 - 3.9 of the by-law. 

No key map has been provided as the by-law applies to all lands located within the Municipality of South Huron.

Development Charges Documents

Development Charges By-Law

Exemptions (Development Charges By-law)

Development Charges Background Study 2020 

Development Charges Brochure Process

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